Hand Walks

Calf Raises

Deep Knee Bends

Single Leg Hops



20 Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises for Volleyball

(Choose 5-10 exercises to do before practice)

  • High knee hug for balance. Stretches hip flexors used in volleyball and also adds a component of balance training for the opposite ankle.
  • High knees. Prepares the lower body for eventual explosive activity and creates single-leg balance training.
  • High knees laterally. Same as high knees, except it focuses on pushing muscles in the legs to prepare the body for explosive lateral activity.
  • Sumo squat. Dynamic stretch that opens up the hips and puts the body through a range of motion in low/medium volleyball positions.
  • Quad stretch. Dynamic stretch that warms up the leg muscles and adds a balance component for the opposite ankle.
  • Baby skips. Low-level plyometric activity that limits side-to-side hip sway thereby adding an aspect of core control and coordination.
  • Spider-man exercise. Warms up the core and shoulders while stretching the hips to prepare the body for the lunging motions used in volleyball.
  • Toes in, toes out. Wakes up ankles and foot fascia.
  • Atlas. Hits all three major components (core, balance, dynamic stretch) while opening up the hips and stretching through the hips and back.
  • Speed skater. A dynamic balance exercise that strengthens the muscles around the knee in a safe, low-level single leg plyometric exercise.
  • Lunge elbow tuck with hamstring stretch. This is the perfect all-in-one exercise. It stretches the hips, wakes up the ankles, prepares the posterior chain to fire, opens up the mid-back region for rotation and stretches the hamstrings.
  • Hopscotch. Plyometric activity that wakes up the lower leg as the player warms up for more explosive activities.
  • Basic volleyball shuffle. Dynamic movement that prepares the body for mid to low-level volleyball positions.
  • Sumo shuffle. Same as the basic volleyball shuffle but opens up the chest and shoulder girdle by adding the arms.
  • Karaoke. Gets the lower legs ready for explosive activity and focuses on a knee-drive component that prepares the range of motion for more explosive activities (i.e. jumping and transitioning from low to high positions used in volleyball).
  • Backwards hip rotation. Wakes up the glutes and other muscles that help stabilize the hips and lower leg during basic volleyball movements; strengthens the core by staying square.
  • Front straight leg run. Wakes up the ankles, muscles around the lower leg and posterior chain.
  • Toy soldier. Activates the hamstrings while also working on range of motion.
  • Lateral lunge and skip. Works on active stretching through the entire range of motion of a lunge transition move.
  • High skips. This plyometric exercise should be used when the body is warm. It prepares the body for full explosive movements (i.e. approach jumps).
  • Video demonstrations of each exercise can be seen on www.theartofcoachingvolleyball.com